Thursday, July 8, 2010

What it means to me to be a man....

I wish I could bring out a panel of all the great men who have inspired me to write this.

In my life, I have met with many challenges and hardships. As have we all. Everyone's life is the most difficult because that is the life that person in leading. To belittle another persons struggle is simply pointless and alienating. That's not what I want to do. I want people to understand what "I" think being a man is all about. Take what you can from it, and move on.

Long ago being a man was easier, and more difficult, to attain. That there is a catch 22. How can it be both? Lemme tell ya. In previous generations "manhood" was measured by deed or by social measure. If one were a hunter, provider or protector then one was considered "manly." We have become more civilized, and the lines between boys or "guys" and men has become more hazy than ever. I was part of the generation that emasculated and anti-socialized many of the "pointless manhood rituals" that existed. In the interest of becoming more civilized, we stopped swimming rivers, hunting, and many other "manhood rituals." What separates a boy from a man now is rather intangible, and yet we can all quantify many manhood traits.

What do I expect of men? I am a great deal more demanding of myself than many I have met. I demand that I control myself in most situations. I try my best not to use violence as a solution to my problems ....anymore.... I work hard at becoming better every day. I think men need to become more proactive than ever. the number of "guys" is steadily increasing while the number of "men" irregardless of race is declining.

Men, take young males under your wing. Teach them honor, humility, and self-reliance. Also teach them to take responsibility for their actions. We have too many young men growing up without fathers to teach them and guide them.

Lead by example, you never know who is following.